Exhibition Tales of absence

Tales of Absence will be an exhibition by three artists who traveled separately across the desolate countryside of Japan. By chance we met in the Netherlands. And where Miyuki looks at her home region with a poetic eye, for Maan it was a journey of discovery through a strange land full of vacancy. Nishiko mainly saw broken areas in the Tohoku region, trying in her own way to repair the Japanese disaster of 2011. 

We want to bring our stories together as a triptych and take the visitor on our personal, investigative journeys across the Japanese countryside. By using a combination of printed images on paper and fabric, repaired objects, smells and sounds all set in a special location, we will take visitors on a journey through our memories and thoughts. Both sweet and sour, both the personal and the more observative way of looking at the countryside. By using a dilapidated location (which fits the works) we feel it makes it easier to take the visitor out of their daily life, and into our world, for a moment. We hope to see you there and share our memories with you.

Location: Nieuwegracht 205, Utrecht
29 september – 15 oktober 2023
Open: Friday, Saturday, Sunday – 11:30 – 17:30 

Opening: 29 September – 16:00 – 21:00 
Finissage: 15 Oktober – 15:00 – 20:00 

Free of charge 🌱

Has been archiving her own experiences of encountering negative events, mundane norms, and events that diverge slightly from normality. Nishiko attempts to reveal the values of mundane life by emphasizing the opposite of how specific subjects are normally seen or treated and showing their intriguing features. She uses media ranging from objects, installations, publications, actions, and sounds to websites. Her major solo show is “Repairing Earthquake Project”. http://nishiko55.com

Works on documentary, art, journalistic photography and photo-book design. Based on her unique perspective as an expatriate Japanese, her photographic works often deal with her identity and roots, interacting with the others’ in her new environment. Her works have been exhibited internationally. Showing here will be her “Michinoku Homeward: Walking toward Northeast” project. www.miyukiokuyama.com

Is a self-taught visual artist with a background in photography and journalism. Her work is based around her social commentary packaged in enticing colours, textures, sounds, smells and beautiful imagery. She does this through building her own world in exhibitions, books and images. Her “The Lost World” project highlighted the vacancy and aging population in Japan and put questions of worth into the viewers mind. www.maanlimburg.com

care for a Sneakpeak?

Work in order of appearance by Miyuki Okuyma – Nishiko – Maan Limburg

Exhibition The Lost world Maan Limburg Ping Pong Club
Exhibition The Lost world Maan Limburg image by Melanie Marsman
Expositie Lost World samen met OP& Utrecht, Maan Limburg. Beeld door Yasmine Asha.
Expositie Lost World samen met OP& Utrecht, Maan Limburg. Beeld door Maan Limburg.

Get in Touch

Feel free to email us to get more information about the project, simply say “Hi” – or to order your own copy of the photobook.

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